umat hostel

UMaT to build 20,000 capacity hostel complex

Hundreds of people including representatives of government, organizations, traditional authorities, members of the university staff across the country, students and the general public attended the special event. The University of Mines and Technology (UMaT) Tarkwa, has installed former President, John Agyekum Kufour, as the first Chancellor of the institution. The installation ceremony which took place

DSW poster 2

Get Digital Training This Vacation

The people from DesheGroup are organising a digital skills training workshop dubbed “Digital Skills For 2018”. The workshop is open to all who want to learn how to maximise the use of digital tools in their career, business, education and even family life. Technology has become a part of our everyday lives. Instead of just

blazing trails kekeli 2

GetRooms Takes 2nd Place at the Blazing Trails Networking Finale

GetRooms was the 1st runner up at the just ended Blazing Trails Networking Finale organised by the British Council in collaboration with Barclays Bank on Tuesday, September 5th. Blazing Trails is a management, entrepreneurship and leadership development programme which provides stepping blocks for recent graduates to secure a dream job or for budding entrepreneurs to

survey on students

Survey on Students and Hostels

We are conducting our annual survey to find out how students book rooms in hostels and what your main pain points are (because we really care about this). Your response is very necessary to enable us to serve you better. You can fill the form below or click here to fill it  Loading…