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Why the online class is so difficult – how to adjust

E-learning Let’s be honest online class during this awful covid-19 period has not been great. The rise of the coronavirus brought about the unfortunate shutdown of schools all across the country. As a result, the education system changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Because

how to be a top student

How to be a top student

First of all, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being the best student or striving for excellence as a student. You owe it to yourself as a person to be distinguished in all you do. In this article, we will be looking at how to be a top student. Declaration: Say this to yourself before

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How not to be late for lectures

6:30AM….alarm beeps Checks the alarm… “it’s early, lemme just sleep and wake up at 7:30am, the class is at 8 anyway” one hour later……. quickly wakes up and checks time realising you’re late “Oh no, I am too late for class now” Ever been in such a situation? For reasons valid or not? Well, this

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From the classroom to the workplace

For many students, this vacation period is the first time that they are actually working in a real work environment. Up until now, we have been schooled in the University about what to do when we start work, but I am sure that every student will bear with me that being told how to do

right university

The right university for you

What many students don’t realise is that picking a university is equal to picking your best friend or partner. Yes, it’s that serious. Every university is different and has its own rules, vibe and culture. Finding the one right one whose standards match up to your ambition is of utmost importance. So then, just how