How to plan your time as a student

How to plan your time as a student

Truth be told, there are about a million and one activities that happen on campus; we all want to be there to experience it all but there is always the issue of our studies and projects getting in the way of that. For the majority of students, extra activities play a very important role in

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Why the online class is so difficult – how to adjust

E-learning Let’s be honest online class during this awful covid-19 period has not been great. The rise of the coronavirus brought about the unfortunate shutdown of schools all across the country. As a result, the education system changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Because

living on a budget as a student

Living on a budget as a student

Are you a spendthrift? Tsh Oxenreider, a popular writer and podcaster once said budget is telling your money where to go. As a student, the best way to ensure you live within your means is to have a spending plan where you spend less on your lifestyle than you generate in earnings. Living on a

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How not to be late for lectures

6:30AM….alarm beeps Checks the alarm… “it’s early, lemme just sleep and wake up at 7:30am, the class is at 8 anyway” one hour later……. quickly wakes up and checks time realising you’re late “Oh no, I am too late for class now” Ever been in such a situation? For reasons valid or not? Well, this