scholarships in Ghana

Scholarships and grants for students in Ghana

Tertiary education in Ghana is not affordable for most Ghanaians but thankfully there are some scholarships that undergraduate and postgraduate students in Ghana can take advantage of. Most scholarships cover tuition only but there are a few that could even cover your hostel fees as well. We are going to take a look at some


How to build your career

Everybody wants to be a success. Have all the money that you need, in your dream home, taking trips to the Bahamas at will, married to the girl or guy of your dreams etc. Depending on who you ask, you will get different definitions for success but achieving success in your career path requires passion,


Importance of Internships

Internships are key to building much-needed experience as a student or recent graduate. Employers are much more likely to hire someone with internship and work experience rather than someone with a generic resume, lacking experience. I am sure you have seen those job posts that require a minimum of 2 years of experience and wonder

national service

Now that you are a graduate, what next?

National service is next! National service is one inevitable stage in the life of every Ghanaian who completes a tertiary institution in Ghana, especially if the school enjoys government subvention. The release of postings is often received by most with mixed reactions, with some people being very happy with their placements and others wishing they


How to prepare for your graduation

Graduation is a time for joy and celebration. Four years of tireless work and financial investments in tertiary education has finally come to an end. To some students, the graduation ceremony is the zenith of University life. This ceremony differs between Universities but we have put together a general guide that should help students steer

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From the classroom to the workplace

For many students, this vacation period is the first time that they are actually working in a real work environment. Up until now, we have been schooled in the University about what to do when we start work, but I am sure that every student will bear with me that being told how to do

right university

The right university for you

What many students don’t realise is that picking a university is equal to picking your best friend or partner. Yes, it’s that serious. Every university is different and has its own rules, vibe and culture. Finding the one right one whose standards match up to your ambition is of utmost importance. So then, just how