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From the classroom to the workplace

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For many students, this vacation period is the first time that they are actually working in a real work environment. Up until now, we have been schooled in the University about what to do when we start work, but I am sure that every student will bear with me that being told how to do something and actually doing the thing are very different. The truth is that we will not be in school forever. A day will come when you will graduate and start the work life so better get used to it.

A day will come when you will graduate and start the work life so better get used to it.

Internships help to prepare students for the work life so if you are just sitting at home then read this.


Change is never an easy thing to embrace, I know many students are used to a relaxed life, that is 2-4 hours of lectures per day, walking just 10-20 minutes to your classroom, being spoon-fed of all the lecture notes and given assignments that have definite solutions. In a work environment, you may not have all that luxury. 8-9 hours of work per day, commuting to and from work which in some cases may be 3 hours per day, finding solutions to problems that have never existed before etc.

8-9 hours of work per day, commuting to and from work which in some cases may be 3 hours per day, finding solutions to problems that have never existed before etc.

The sharp transition may be hard on a few students but you know what they say, practice makes perfect. So keep at it and don’t give in. You might not be doing the most prestigious work at the intern level but do it to the fullest as it has many repercussions in the near future.

Dealing with pressure

You might have heard of people quitting their jobs, of which I personally can testify to. This normally happens at the beginning of their careers where they are not yet accustomed to dealing with the pressures of work. There is a reason why we call it work, you will be worn out by the close of day! Having a proper philosophy and mindset towards work will go a long way toward dealing with the pressures of work. #UniversityLife Click To Tweet

Be spiritually, physically and morally sound to have an edge over the unavoidable pressures of work.

Some experiences are much more valuable than money at this stage in your career. Although some internships will pay you, most of them wouldn’t but you still stand to gain valuable skills such as knowledge networking with potential employers, valuable experience and awareness in the workplace, quality industrial experience in a sector/department of your choice, awareness of developments within the sector, better academic prospects, a reference for your CV, potential employment after placement and finally, individuality to stand out from applicants applying for the same graduate role as you.

In summary…

It’s a good thing to work, as work earns you experience and money that you need to live a comfortable life. But one of the most important benefits of working is that you have an opportunity to expand your network and meet new people. Cherish every relationship that you make during this period of work as most relationships can go a very long way in improving the lives of others.

Cherish every relationship that you make during this period of work as most relationships can go a very long way in improving the lives of others.

How are you dealing with the classroom to workplace transition? We hope it’s going well, let us know in the comments below.

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