Legon campus, University of ghana legon courses

Hostels Around Legon

University of Ghana, Legon, is amongst the top universities in Ghana and definitely the biggest university campus in the country. Due to its high in-take of students, accommodation can be very challenging. We have put together a list of hostels around Legon in this article of which you can book on our website as well.

upsa hostels

List of UPSA hostels for students

The University of Professional Studies (UPSA) is one of the most respected tertiary institutions in Ghana. The University takes in thousands of students every academic year and as such, the UPSA is surrounded by many hostels. Including the UPSA hostel which is one of the largest in the country. However, if you need other hostels

hostels around wisconsin university

Lovelies Hostel – A Haven Near Wisconsin University

Choosing a hostel is not as easy as it sounds. There are many factors that you need to consider before making the right decision. Knowing what kind of hostel suits your needs and budget are important. This semester, if you want to choose the best hostel then choose Lovelies Hostel. This article will provide helpful

hostel room

How To Secure Your Hostel Room For The Semester

For many years, students have always had issues finding the right hostel. Some get duped and others spend so much money, energy and time walking from hostel to hostel just to be told that “the manager is not around so come tomorrow”. Finding the right hostel shouldn’t be this hard. That is why we created


Hostels around UENR

The University of Energy and Natural Resources is a public-funded university founded in 2011 at Sunyani to equip individuals with skills in the management of energy and natural resources. The university offers a variety of courses and programs leading to higher education degrees to both local and international students. UENR also provides several academic and