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Side Gig for Students

side gig make money as a student

There are many side gigs you can do as a student, from being a ride-hailing driver, selling clothes, running a khebab business, being a personal gym trainer and so much more.

The truth is that you can do over 100 gigs while still schooling. Schooling and working as an undergraduate is not a common thing in Ghana but that does not mean it cannot be done.

The university is a very unique place to earn an extra buck because it is full of students who have disposable income and needs. Business is simply solving a problem for a specified financial reward. You need to find and solve a problem to get rewarded financially.

READ ASLO: Hostels Around Legon – GetRooms Blog

So start thinking about the problems around the campus. Whatever is a problem to you will most likely be a problem to the other thousands of students on campus.

Can you think of anything in your class or hostel that is burdensome and can be done better? Here are just 3 side gigs you can do while still schooling to earn some extra money for those needs of yours.

1. Transportation

Students need to transport themselves all over campus. If you happen to be in a large university like Legon, KNUST, UCC, Central University or any other large university in Ghana, then you would notice the need for effective and affordable transportation.

Yes, there are shuttles but don’t you hate waiting for it to get full and having to stop over 10 times before you get to your destination? There could be a better way for students to transport themselves from place to place.

What about renting out bicycles, procuring electric bikes that can be rented at a fee and docked at hostels and classroom areas?

What about working as an Uber, Bolt or Yango driver on campus only? You would save lots of petrol and earn more because you will be within the campus.

The options are endless.

2. Food

You can never go wrong with the food business unless your food tastes terrible. Every student on campus will have to eat and I can boldly say that over 95% of students frequently buy food daily. Having mobile kitchens and food delivery services that take food to the students will be a game-changer.

It does not even need to be any stressful food that will take time to prepare. You could set up sausage grills in hostels and food spots on campus. Simple foods like shawarma that can be made ready within minutes can fetch you lots of money as a student.

If managed properly, you can earn a good amount from this business.

3. Writing

One of the main things you will find yourself doing in school is typing. You will be writing essays, research papers and so much more. Writing is a basic skill that anyone can learn and with the writing skill, you can become a professional writer while still a student.

You can help write a thesis, research papers, and assignments and the best part is that you are not limited to only students as your audience. If you learn SEO writing, you can write for businesses and earn lots of money because businesses have money to pay.

Most businesses want to rank online and with good writing and SEO knowledge, you can become a very valuable asset to many corporations while earning thousands of dollars.

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This gig is particularly interesting because you learn a skill that stays with you even after you graduate. There’s a comprehensive course for students who want to learn and acquire the skill of writing.

Over 60% of graduates today do not earn money through what they studied in school. Most of them are earning a living through the skills they acquire.

Another reason we like writing is that the barrier to entry is very low. For most businesses, you will need thousands to get started but with writing, all you need is your laptop and Ghc 150 to get started. Click here and put in the code ‘STUDENT’ to get a discount.

We hope these side gig methods are useful. Make sure you share this with a friend and start making some money online with these innovative side gigs.

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