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How to be a top student

how to be a top student

First of all, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being the best student or striving for excellence as a student. You owe it to yourself as a person to be distinguished in all you do. In this article, we will be looking at how to be a top student.

Declaration: Say this to yourself before you continue reading “I will not be an ordinary student”.

In a typical classroom setting, there are three kinds of students. They are First class students, middle class or average students and the below-average or lower class students. Each class of students exhibit certain traits that qualify them.

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You decide which kind of student you want to be. However, we have a few tips here in this article to aid you in climbing your way to the top as an accomplished student.

 1. Make doing well in school your top priority

It is very important as a student to have a vision and a goal. Having an aim to get to the top and excelling in school is a driving force enough to push you to keep going.

2. Get enough rest

It is very necessary that your body is in good shape ready for you to learn. As much as possible, avoid unnecessary conversations in the evening when you need to rest. Drink enough water, it is good for your body..

3. Learn

There is no substitute for this. To be a good student, you must learn. Understand that learning is work. Learn in a way that suits you. Don’t follow the masses. If daytime, or evening or dawn studies works for you then do it. It is important to know yourself. Know the extent to which you can go. Learn at your own pace. You are not in any competition with anyone for understanding.

4. Attend classes regularly

As much as possible, avoid missing classes not ruling out unforeseen emergencies that may come. While in class, learn to ask questions.

 5. Learn to take notes during the lecture

Not everything your lecturer will say will be in your study materials. There are key things that will be said which will require you to pay attention in class so you can make notes. Avoid unnecessary conversations in class, put aside all distractions especially your mobile phone. If possible leave it in silent mode in your bag. Use your mobile phone to research topics discussed in class. This is an important point on how to be a top student as most students do not take notes during lectures.

6. Do your assignments and projects on time

Don’t wait as some students will wait until submission day before doing their assignments. Make scoring high marks on your assignments important to you. Get explanations from someone if you don’t understand it. Learn how to do your assignment on your own.

7. Go beyond the classroom

There are extra ways to get more understanding on what you have been taught and even get extra knowledge. There are so many resources out there. Learn to take some free online courses, watch YouTube videos and tutorials. Learn some basic tricks that you may not be taught in class. Don’t just learn for the grades or exam. Knowledge is too important and key. Remember that what is ruling now is what you know, knowledge!

8. Learn how to study earlier

Don’t wait until there is a quiz or an exam before you start learning. If possible go over your notes after class each day. If you don’t understand, ask for help. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. Make sure you get all the explanations for the things you couldn’t understand during the lecture.

9. Form effective study groups

Emphasis laid on “effective”. For most people, group studies help them understand easily and if you are that kind of student, this is very crucial for you. Your group studies shouldn’t be always about more talking and less studies. It should be effective. At the end of the day, you should leave knowing that you have gained extra knowledge and understanding.

10. Be a nice person

The fact that you are the best student or a good student doesn’t make you superior to anyone. Learn to be kind. Offer help to teach people who don’t get something you understand. The more you teach someone what you know, the more you understand it. Never be too proud to offer a helping hand. Being a top student is not just about grades! Respect everyone even if they are mean to you.

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We hope these few tips will help you on how to be a top student and a very good student at school. You can be a good student at school. It is just a decision away.

Excellence is not a skill, it is an attitude”-Ralph Mattson.


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